January 2021 flew by…don´t ask me why? I truly have no idea what happened.
I personally felt like I don’t move at all – but that of course was only in my head. I stick to my routine of running every day, had TODO´s – there is a minimum ToDo list that keeps the things going – and need to be done. But this routine seems like it has no „worth“ – that my friends is of course a complete lie and shouldn’t get any more attention.
All I want to share in January 2021 is: Keep moving, no matter what your head tells you or what thoughts you sometimes get in your head and in your own ways.
My beloved granny died on January 26th, 2021. I am really happy that I visited her more often. I know that is just calming myself in a certain way, but it’s ok. She was getting old and older, tired, more tired every day. Like a baby nearly sleeping the whole day. But she was mostly still doing her own things. She was buried in February 11th, 2021. That was exactly her 96 birthday. I will always love you and keep you in my heart. Learning more about you now that you gone. But maybe that is also a part of life.
I will NEVER forget your words when you were still younger and I always told you that we will celebrate your 100th Birthday – you didn’t want to grow „too old“ – she said: „If I turn 99, then I will hang myself!“ – Well friends, her wish became reality – she had a long and beautiful life with children, grandchildren and the whole story of life. Rest In Peace Grandma. I love you!